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Jo Rawcliffe
Co-Founder of Morphosis Partners Limited.
Professional expertise has covered public, private and voluntary sectors nationally and internationally both client and advisory side including >20+year’s military association. Working across change & transformation, learning and development, business development and operational excellence in many diverse cultures such as the Middle East, and Central Europe.
Leadership : Mentorship : Personal Brand : Network: Introductions : Opportunities : Reputation :
Talent Attraction & Recruitment Transformation : Talent Retention & Mobilisation : Talent Transition & Severance
Jo offers the human factor, emotional intelligence and global experience. Highly regarded by many “C-Suite” professionals as a ‘straight talking, thought leader and invigorator of people’ inspiring and leading others through change with a clear strategic accountability to get best results for her clients in a time honoured fashion.
Jo’s ethos is ‘right message, right time, right approach’ to the right people.
What I/we deliver through Morphosis Partners is market necessary and ‘the game changer’ within the job markets of today. A conversation with me will realign you to the ‘real world’, and how to navigate the noise and congestion in today’s marketplace to get results with speed and precision.

Simon Hudson
Co-Founder of Morphosis Partners Limited.
An executive level ally whose common sense approach enables a vision or strategy to be rationalised with objective candor and translated into the all important ‘delivered value’.
Leadership : Mentorship : Personal Brand : Network: Introductions : Opportunities : Reputation :
Talent Attraction & Recruitment Transformation : Talent Retention & Mobilisation : Talent Transition & Severance
Prior to co-founding Morphosis Partners Simon spent most of his career advising business leadership teams on the above considerations on both a business level and also on a personal level. Businesses and individual clients representative of Fortune 500, FTSE 100, Private Equity backed, AIM Listed, Owner Managed, Public & Charity Not for Profit.
Simons’ knowledge, integrity and fresh approach is often called upon and Simon has delivered speaking engagements on invitation to the likes of ICAEW, IIM, CIPD, IIP, and to notable executive MBA students at leading institutions such as INSEAD and CASS.
Morphosis is intended to be nothing like what you have come to know, understand and expect within the marketplaces we are disrupting. Our aim is to provide that necessary transition from once valued and relevant methods to those required by individuals and businesses intent on securing a sustainable future.